
Chinese Mums in Business Club is an independent networking organisation for Chinese (and culturally Chinese) mums in business, either running their own business or working in an organisation, in the UK and worldwide.

Through our annual programme of special moments and events, our vision is to

Inspire Chinese mums in business to reach their full potential

Our Mission

Inspired by the ‘Mastermind’ meetings described in the classic book ‘Think and Grow Rich’, our intention is that our ongoing meet-ups will be an opportunity to share our business challenges, ask for guidance and different perspectives and discover new and possible solutions. And most of all, our collective knowledge and expertise from different business sectors and mutual coaching will:

  • Create a fun, loving and inspirational place for Chinese mums to network and social and seek support in a safe, confidential and supportive environment
  • Represent a voice from those mums and create opportunities for Chinese mums to meet other culture background mums in business


What We Do

  • Informal networking meet-ups. We meet at least once a quarter. Each meet-up will focus on an area of our common challenges or common interests over a meal or a special moment
  • Special weekend/short-term trips in the UK or overseas
    – with a course or theme for the trips – e.g. Creativity, EQ, Love, Money, Well-being, etc.
  • Speed mentoring

Who is eligible to join?

Chinese (including culturally Chinese) mums who are working either full time or part time.

Who founded and run the Club?

Meet our two Co-founders:

Xiaofang Sutton Xiaofang was born and grew up in Henan province, China – the birthplace of Chinese civilization. While being a mother to three girls, she runs an international legal consulting firm with her husband which specializes in Intercompany Agreements for Transfer Pricing compliance. Xiaofang loves cooking, baking and inspiring. She is also passionate about the role of women in business, particularly businesses which operate internationally.

Sally Maier-Yip Sally was born in Hong Kong and has lived and worked in HK, Singapore, and currently in London over the past decades. In the daytime, she runs her own UK-China/Asia PR and communications agency, 11K Consulting, which specialises in helping Western brands to reach Chinese luxury consumers, HNWIs and travellers. When she is not working, she loves playing and exploring new places with her young boy, travelling, reading and helping people to realise their potential.



We love to hear from you

Let us know what you like us to do for you or register for your interest to join our next events.

Xiaofang: xiaofang.sutton@lcnlegal.com

Sally: sally@11kconsulting.com